Stay at home and stay safe
As we gradually transition to #MegaworldNewReality, we are developing safety protocols and new innovations to keep our townships safe.

#SaferandHappier experience at #MegaworldLifestyleMalls
#MegaworldNewReality in Townships

At Megaworld Lifestyle Malls, you don't have to worry about your safety. With proper health protocols and guidelines, your well-being is guaranteed!

From stay-ins to dine-outs, Megaworld Hotels ensure your safety by following and adhering 100% to standards and protocols.

Megaworld's Premiere Offices prioritizes the health, safety, and well-being of the employees and tenants through its healthy buildings - for a healthy planet, a healthy community, and a healthy workforce.

Best Practices While
In our Townships
In our Townships

New Innovations in
How does the virus spread?
When a person breaths in droplets from a person with COVID-19
By touching infected people or objects, then touching their eyes, nose, or mouth
The virus spreads is transmitted through coughing and sneezing
What you should do?
What you should avoid

Shake Hands
Avoid shaking hands to help protect yourself and others from COVID-19. Hands touch many surfaces and can pick up viruses. Once contaminated, hands can transfer the virus to your eyes, nose or mouth. From there, the virus can enter your body and infect you.

Crowded Area
Avoid going to crowded places. Where people come together in crowds, you are more likely to come into close contact with someone that has COVID-19 and it is more difficult to maintain physical distance of 1 metre (3 feet).

Going outdoor with cold and cough
Stay home and self-isolate even with minor symptoms such as cough, headache, mild fever, until you recover.
- Only guests 21 to 59 years allowed to enter. Please bring proper identification.
- Mandatory thermal scanning and foot bath in all entrances.
- Mandatory wearing of face masks.
- 3-feet physical distancing which will be monitored closely by 'Social Distancing Ambassadors'.
- Availability of alcohol and hand sanitizers.
- Cashless transaction with designated pick-up counters and drive-thru stations.
- Regular sanitation and deep cleaning of elevator buttons, door handles, handrails, comfort rooms and common areas.
- UV Light disinfection of escalator handrails.
- Tire bath for vehicles and sanitizing of parking cards during parking.
- No dine-ins.
- No free Wi-Fi.
- Chapels and entertainment and leisure establishments will remain closed.
- Air conditioning will be set at 26-C.
Residences - ASIA AFFINITY
- All tenants and residents will be requested to cooperate and accomplish a monthly health status survey.
- A. Internal Monitoring for Corporate & Property level.
- B. Community Health Bulletin for property publishing.
- All amenities (swimming pool, function room, business center, gym, etc.) will be temporarily closed until the community quarantine is lifted.
- Immuno-compromised residents such as the elderly, PWD, pregnant, and those with pre-existing medical conditions will be given priority assistance.
- Partnerships with businesses to bring resources closer to residents, such as establishing a community market, water refilling stations, laundromats, groceries, etc.
- Crowds will be regulated in high-traffic areas and One-way flow will be deployed so that congestion and risk of infection is reduced.
- Designated Smoking Areas, Communal Eating Areas, Drivers’ Lounges, and other amenities will be temporarily closed until the community quarantine is lifted.
- IATF Guidelines will be strictly enforced to ensure only 50% of employees are on-site (the other 50% will work from home and work off-site).
- Thermal Cameras will be deployed for faster, high-volume screening.
- Push button kiosks are sanitized every 30 minutes.
- Parking cards are sanitized before deployment at the card dispenser.
- Wooden cash tray are used at the cashier to avoid contact upon exit.
- Alcohol and sanitizers are available at all cashier and exit booths.
Activity/Area | Provisions Needed | Protocol |
Before Entry |
Loby / Foyer |
Conduct of Discussion / Transaction |
After Discussion / Transaction |
- Schedule of Inspection
- Buildings under Construction: the client or broker should be able to give their preferred schedule at least one (1) week, if within Metro Manila, and two (2) weeks, if provincial sites, before the inspection.
- Metro Manila: every Tuesday and Thursday, 1:00pm to 5:00pm
- Provincial: every Monday and Friday, 8:00am to 12:00nn
- Existing Buildings: the client or broker should be able to give their preferred schedule at least three (3) days, if within Metro Manila, and one (1) week, if provincial sites, before the inspection.
- Metro Manila: every Tuesday and Thursday, 1:00pm to 5:00pm
- Provincial: every Monday and Friday, 8:00am to 12:00nn
- Buildings under Construction: the client or broker should be able to give their preferred schedule at least one (1) week, if within Metro Manila, and two (2) weeks, if provincial sites, before the inspection.
- Limitation of Participants/Visitors in the Inspection
- Building under Construction: a maximum of five (5) people are allowed to enter the area. If the client needs to add more participants, they should ask the approval from their coordinator one (1) or two (2) weeks before the scheduled inspection.
- Existing Building: a maximum of two (2) people are allowed to enter the premises. If the client needs to add more participants, they should ask approval from their coordinator one (1) or two (2) weeks before the scheduled inspection.
- Parking Arrangements
- The client should give the details of the car/vehicle to be parked within or near the site so the Building Administration can prepare it ahead of time. This should be given and arranged a week or two before the scheduled inspection. If the client/s wishes only to be dropped-off, kindly inform the coordinator so the coordinator can tell where exactly the safest drop-off point is.
- Materials / Supplies Provided in the Site
- Construction Site: Hand sanitizers and footwear baths are available within the area. The visitors (brokers/clients) should have their own a) face masks, b) Hard hats and 3) goggles/face shield(optional) when entering the premises.
- Existing Building: Hand sanitizers and footwear baths are available within the area. The visitors (brokers/clients) should have their own 1) face masks, and 2) goggles or face shield when entering the premises.
- Ingress / Egress during the Inspection (Building under Construction and Existing Building)
There are certain protocols to be done when going in and out of the premises.- Thermal checks will be done in each entry.
- Sanitation of footwear and hands is a must before entering the premises.
- Please obediently follow physical distancing. There are floor or wall stickers posted for reminders.
- Valid ID’s must be presented and logged-in in the reception area for tracking purposes. There’s also a need to log-out after the inspection.
- Visitors must abide with the house rules of the premises at all times.
- Dress Code during the Inspection
Mandatory:- Face mask
- Long/Short sleeves shirt
- Pants
- Closed shoes
- Face shield/goggles
- Gloves
- Sleeveless shirts
- Shorts
- Slippers/Flip-flops