Distinctly Richmonde. Distinctly Personal
At Eastwood Richmonde Hotel, guests can experience lavish comforts that epitomize sophisticated living. This extends from its stylish designs and splendid amenities to its gracious staff that provides top-notch service that is always warm and sincere.
Guilt-free, first-class pleasures, exclusively here at Eastwood Richmonde Hotel
Delight in first-class pleasures and distinctly enjoyable experiences only at Eastwood Richmonde Hotel.
Rooms and Suites
Richmonde Hotel boasts of guest rooms, all equipped with modern conveniences and plush interiors that make for top quality accommodations fit for any guest. Choose from a variety of rooms in our Quezon City hotel to suit your needs.

Recreation and Entertainment
Business Center
Fitness Center


Cafe Bar
Located at the ground floor of the hotel, enjoy no-frills dining at its finest at the newly renovated Eastwood Cafe+Bar.

Cafe Bar
Located at the ground floor of the hotel, enjoy no-frills dining at its finest at the newly renovated Eastwood Cafe+Bar.

Cafe Bar
Located at the ground floor of the hotel, enjoy no-frills dining at its finest at the newly renovated Eastwood Cafe+Bar.