7th Asia Best CSR Practices Awards
Support and Improvement in Quality of Education (Winner)

Special Recognition in CSR (Winner)

Overall Top Award (Champion of Champions)
Education (Gold)
Volunteering (Gold)
Philanthropy (Gold)
Charitable Giving (Gold)

CSR Company of the Year (Finalist)

Finalist – CSR Company of the Year

1st International Digital Award #TOWNSHIPSAREUS Campaign - Best Social Media and Viral Communications Campaign
Metro Manila Government
MEGAWORLD CORPORATION Manila’s Top Business and Real Property Taxpayers 2017

Public Relations Society of the Philippines (7 awards)

International Association of Business Communicators (2 awards)

Cause for a New Coast Campaign – Boracay Newcoast (3 awards)

Excellence in Provision of Literacy and Education (Gold)

Division 1: Communication Management - Category 2: Employee Engagement (Excellence Award)

Good Governance / Social Responsibility / Responsible Citizenship (Silver)
Internal Employees, Shareholders, and Suppliers (Silver)

Awards for Excellence 2017 (6 awards)